Today was the last day of school for the week because we got an extra long Thanksgiving weekend! So to celebrate, my dad and I made our way to the AT&T store and Target for a little browsing and shopping. At the AT&T store we visited the iPhone 4 section and I was basically guaranteed to get one when the lady showed us the cases and he goes "Oh yea, you'll definitely be getting one of these." and then when he said "I'm not saying you're getting one cause it's supposed to be a surprise!" hot diggity dog! At Target I picked up a few things:
- Book: Chosen by P.C & Kirsten Cast- this is the third installment of the Marked series and so far I'm in love with these books. They're so good and they have had an awesome twist in the first two books.
- Contact Solution: Gotta take care of my eye-balls!
- Sinful Colors Nail Polishes: I got two colors; Purple-"I Love You" Blue-"Nail Junkie"
- Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation: I heard Greg. Gorgeous rave about this in his Foundation Routine video. I got the color True Ivory
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